Links to other agencies and service providers

Victim services
Law Enforcement Agencies:
In case of an emergency, call 911
Walton County Sheriff's Office - 770-267-6557
Newton County Sheriff's Office - 678-625-1403
Covington Police Department - 770-864-7605
Monroe Police Department - 770-267-7576
Loganville Police Department - 770-466-8087
Social Circle Police Department - 770-464-2366
Oxford Police Department - 770-786-7004
Georgia Bureau of Investigation:
Region 10 (covers Newton County) - 770-388-5019
Region 11 (covers Walton County) - 706-552-2309
Georgia State Patrol - Post 46 - 770-464-1800
State Post Conviction Agencies:
Department of Corrections - 770-504-7312
Department of Community Supervision - 678-783-4337
Board of Pardons and Paroles - 404-656-4661
Other Local Agencies:
Newton County DFCS - 770-784-2490
Walton County DFCS - 770-207-4176
A Child's Voice - Local Child Advocacy Center - 770-464-0082
Project ReNeWal - Local Domestic Violence Intervention Program and Shelter - 770-860-1666 (24 hours)
Adult Protective Services - 886-552-4464
Northeast GA Area Agency on Aging - 800-474-7540
Service Providers:
The Alcovy Judicial Circuit has victim advocates in the Newton and Walton County offices. The Victim Services Division of our offices provides compassionate support to victims and witnesses of crimes. The Division also provides information on the criminal justice process and keeps victims and witnesses aware of any upcoming court proceedings. Our advocates can provide information of any community resources available such as counseling services and the State Victims Compensation program. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our victim advocates with any questions you may have.
Each office has a Victim Services Director:
Newton County: Leslie Smith,, 770-784-2070
Walton County: Kim Kelly,, 770-267-1355
Many of the services provided by our Victim Advocates are based on the Georgia Crime Victims' Bill of Rights, OCGA 17-17-1, et seq., which provides specific rights to victims of certain crimes. This Bill of Rights applies to many, but not all crimes. However, it is the policy of the District Attorney's Office to strive to apply these rights to ALL crimes involving victims. With the passage of "Marsy's Law" in 2019, these rights became Constitutionally protected and enforced. These rights include:
The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any scheduled court proceedings or any changes to such proceedings;
The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of arrest, release, or escape of the accused;
The right not to be excluded from any scheduled court proceedings, except as provided in this chapter or as otherwise required by law;
The right to be heard at any scheduled court proceedings involving the release, plea, or sentencing of the accused;
The right to file a written objection in any parole proceedings involving the accused;
The right to confer with the prosecuting attorney in any criminal prosecution related to the victim;
The right to restitution as provided by law;
The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay; and
The right to be treated fairly and with dignity by all criminal justice agencies involved in the case.
While some of these rights are handled by other agencies that are a part of the criminal justice system, such as the local Sheriff's Office or the Georgia Department of Corrections, our office will assist in getting you in touch with the correct agency if we cannot directly assist you.
On this page, to the left, there are links to other agencies that victims may need to contact and links to service providers within our community. To the right, there are links to forms that victims may need.
Crime Victims Compensation Program:
Victim Services Forms from Pardons and Paroles:
There are filled out online: