From Randy McGinley: Criminal Court schedule for the week of August 31:
Superior Court:
- Monday, August 31, Walton County criminal court with Judge Zon presiding.
- Tuesday, September 1: Newton County criminal court with Judge Ott presiding.
- Wednesday, September 2: Walton County criminal court with Judge Ott presiding.
- Thursday, September 3: Newton County criminal court with Judge Zon presiding.
- Thursday, September 3: Walton County criminal court with Judge Wynne presiding.
Magistrate Court: - Wednesday, September 2: Newton County preliminary hearings with Judge Bell presiding.
- Thursday, September 3: Walton County preliminary hearings with Judge Burke presiding.
- For the Superior Court calendars: in custody defendant matters will be handled via video conference with the jail in the morning. - Defense attorneys: Please contact the ADA assigned to your case by noon the day before court to let them know if you will be attending court remotely. Our ADAs will provide you the login credentials for the video conference link.
- For Magistrate Court calendars: in custody defendant matters will be handled via video conference with the jail based on the times on the calendars.
Both courthouses require masks and a health screening to enter. The IT departments will be streaming court into additional courtrooms so that the public may observe court while maintaining appropriate social distancing. If there are any questions, please contact the Court or the District Attorney's Office.